Monday, February 10, 2014

KeyLemonFace Detector

We are happy to anounce that the KeyLemon Dev-Team is currently hard working on a migration of our software to the next Microsoft operating system called Windows 8. We are very exited to try out ways how we will implement KeyLemon to the new Metro surface of Windows 8 and it’s design. There are already really good looking prototypes of a login screen and we keep improving for it.

Windows 8 Login
Windows 8 KeyLemon Lockscreen

Also, we are always trying to find new ways making it impossible to login with videos and photos. We came up with the idea to work on a voice recognition in addition to our face detection to make it more secure for you to use KeyLemon, even if you have a sibling or curious friends with photos of you that try to login into your computer. We are also testing on using specific movements of your head, like blinking, to log in. This already works very well.
So look forward to the next release of KeyLemon delivering some of these awesome features!

                                                            Click Here To Download

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